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Version: v0.x

What is a Route?

Proxyflare moves traffic around your domain by trying to match incoming requests against a Route list in your Configuration. A Route can send traffic to another service on your domain or anywhere else on the internet.

Each Route tells Proxyflare which incoming traffic to match and where to send it. When a Route is matched, Proxyflare handles the request by generating a ProxiedRequest and handling the ProxiedResponse.

The fundamental building blocks of a Route are Route["from"] and Route["to"].


Route["from"] tells Proxyflare to match the Route against traffic from the selected part of your domain.

"Send traffic from this part of my domain..."

const routes: Route[] = [
from: {
pattern: "",


Route["to"] tells Proxyflare where to send the matched traffic to, which is normally another URL on your domain or elsewhere on the internet. The following articles outline some Proxyflare use cases.

" this URL anywhere on the internet."

const routes: Route[] = [
to: {
url: "",

Proxyflare: "Send traffic from the Route["from"] part of my domain to the Route["to"] location on the internet."

Putting it all together

"Send traffic from to"

const routes: Route[] = [
from: {
pattern: "",
to: {
url: "",